Wednesday, March 21, 2007

As Zewt as it gets

We have been watching this guy over the last couple of weeks now, and have been very impressed. With a blog that’s only under 3 months old, the author has managed to pull in such a flock of readers. So much so, that his last 9 posts average an approx 30+ comments each. We feel that it might be due to the simple & debatable topics that can be found in our everyday lives, that Zewt features, which makes his blog so alive. We note that he tends to also post about ‘blogging’ as a topic by itself, which reflects his special interests, or maybe even obsession in blogging altogether.

Zewt was actually on our list, but wasn’t due to be showcased till much later. But something happened today, something that made us realise that we had to feature this guy, today. Sadly, there has been a tragic incident that has just happened, which involves his mum. With something so catastrophic & terrible for any person to go through, one would presume that he would have been ‘missing in action’ and not been able to update his blog for a while. But not Zewt. He truly is, as Zewt as it gets. He blogged about it. It was touching and tear inducing.

We have been very impressed with his blogging efforts, and his sheer determination. Zewt, you have all our deepest condolences. Take care, and keep on blogging.

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Tell us what you think of 'As Zewt as it gets'


A popular blog amongst Malaysians and anyone whose interested in the ‘BolehLand’ (Malaysia’s call slogan is ‘Malaysia Boleh!’ meaning ‘Malayisa Can!’), this blog has become a true ‘daily must-read’ source for many. Patrick Teoh, a former national radio deejay, just so happens to be a very frank man, living in a not-so-frank-friendly society. Unlike other countries such as the great US, where people can openly criticize and joke about the President, in the ‘Can-Land’ the people/authorities do not seem to take constructive criticism very well, let alone jokes about the government and other political figures. Not that Patrick is known for disrespecting the government in any way, but let’s just say, his frank & sarcastic nature has many a time been misunderstood & falsely judged.

It’s not too difficult to see that the family-man Patrick Teoh is a rather patriotic man, on a mission, whom strives with the efforts of the rest of the nation; towards a higher plane as a whole. As the country progress towards its ‘Vision 2020’ goal, it can be quite discouraging to see that negative issues, such as bribery & corruption, still existis, and in such great quantities.

Thus, Pat Teoh’s frustration is made clear and public in his blog, titled ‘Niamah!!!’. Possibly named after the illustrious Cantonese slang-type of outcry, ‘Niamah Chao H**!’, numerous debatable topics are discussed in his blog amid fellow readers. Most of his content appear to be sourced from either local newspapers, tv or radio statements. There have been many National radio deejays out there, whom have been sacked & possibly fed to the lions, thanks to the keen listening ears of the officials, whenever they utter the slightest of touchy comments. We at hope that Patrick, his bluntness and his striving efforts towards a better nation, will progress on, and never cease to exist. And if all else fails, … NIAMAH!

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This feller damn good lah. Think he should run for next Prime Minister. Go read is blog, NOW, and also check out his other blog, TOKKOK, which probably means, ‘talk-cock’!
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Thanks very much for that post, boss. Since its my turn, I wanna feature my fav blog. This chick ROCKS! Probably a Good drinker, we all think she’s intellectual, well versed, a little unpredictable, moody,, has a tendency to go a little cuckoo in short doses, but mostly we find her, for lack of a better word; ingenious.

She isn’t afraid to say whats on her mind, and she is as straight-laced as can be. With Fireangel, what you see is what you get. Her blog, is totally happening. Consisting mainly on day-to-day experiences, there are many categories in which one can browse & explore the life of this remarkable & talented young lady.

Amongst the many sections of her blog, ‘debaucheries’ just so happens to be one of them, and unlike the title suggests, it isn’t actually where she attempts to spread & encourage immoral behaviour amongst the youth of today. Oh, no. Not miss FireAngel. The section is actually where she portrays, her party-side, her ‘camwhoring’ & the reviewing of many night-time events. Its makes me wonder, does she ever blog under the influence of alcohol? Maybe so. But whatever it is, keep at it girl!

Speaking of ‘camwhoring’ (self paparazzi), most of her’s are actually very well done. Some extensively photoshoped and some as plain as your bowl of rice.

She’s also quite well known for her rants & bitching. Everytime I finish reading a post when she’s in one of her moods, I feel like I’ve just been ‘dragonballed’ to the back of the room, kudos to her razor-blade tongue. So, does this mean she’s just another PMS’ing feline? Well, everyone needs a little to space to vent off steam, and we totally understand. What better way to do so than in your personal blog? The difference is- she does it with such class & elegance. A whole different level. There’s just something about her that tingles our senses.
So, what is it that fuels this angel’s fire? An unfortunate childhood perhaps? An ass of an ex-boyfriend maybe? Peer pressure from work or family? Could it be her many admirers & fans that comment on her blog?Whatever the driving force is behind this blogger, we at 10hotblogs hope it doesn’t stop. We would hate to see this fire get put out. So, burn on girl!

Oh, and did we mention? She can sing.

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Tell us what you think of Fireangel

Kenny Sia appears to be a very charismatic & enterprising young man. His blog is probably one of the most popular personal blogs in the blogsphere. Born in 1982, Kenny started his blog in January 2005. It is believed that Kenny’s blog receives over 14,000 visitors per day. Technorati studies suggest that links to exist in over 2000 other blogs.

Topics in are vast, but mainly include his day-to-day life experiences, his travels, opinions & product reviews. If there was one word to describe his blog, our editors would agree on “entertaining”.

One may wonder how Kenny’s blog got so famous. Maybe part of it is due to his Wikipedia entry, or his unique method of providing ‘copy & paste’ links to, on his readers’ blogs. We feel however, that it is mainly the content of his articles which has lead to his popularity.

Wining a number of awards, kenny also records his posts on a 'Podcast' feature where readers can also listen to him verbally.
We also find it interesting & amusing to read the comments posted on his articles by the readers, which come in all forms of appraisal, compliments, sarcasm, and even some nasty personal remarks.

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